Thursday, 13 March 2014

Spring is coming! It's time to Clean out the Old and Bring in the New!

Cleansing Time !

Should you cleanse?
   We know that spring and summer are coming, but we are all asking the question "Will it Truly come?"
   With each spring comes the shedding of another winter season and layers of clothing and weight that we have been putting on over this very cold winter.  It's normal to put weight on over the winter to insulate yourself. I've noticed I have put on some extra pounds over the winter months.  Some of my spring clothes aren't fitting like they did last spring, but I'm not too worried about it.  I know that once the sun is shining again I will be outside walking, getting more of the sun's energy, eating lighter, and enjoying the much needed freedom of SPRING. 
   Our bodies are supposed to insulate us over winter.  Our metabolism slows down on purpose.  The days are shorter and we are indoors more of the time.  We eat hearty meals like root vegetable soups and stews.  We should be getting more sleep because our bodies are working overtime, but we fight this by going to the gym every night after work.  We fight the lack of sunlight and stay awake like we do in the summer and fall.  This behavior puts our body into fight or flight, which shuts down our digestion, speeds up our circulation, and in general makes us inflamed.  This creates a breeding ground for disease.  Over the winter isn't a good time for our digestion to be compromised (70% of our immune system is in our digestion tract) which leaves us vulnerable to colds and flu. 
If you had a cold or flu this winter and had to take any medication from antibiotics or over the counter drugs you should look into a CLEANSE.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms:
  • lack of energy even after a full night sleep
  • brain fog
  • afternoon slump
  • yeast infections
  • bloating/gas after meals (any symptoms here could mean your intestinal tract is toxic)
  • memory loss
  • headaches
  • constipation / diarrhea
You should look into a CLEANSE.

   I am not suggesting that you should do something that doesn't feel good to you.  When you are thinking about cleaning out closets and re-arranging your wardrobe for spring and summer you need to consider cleaning out your intestinal tract to keep things rolling in the right direction.

10 benefits you can expect from doing a gentle ‘spring cleanse’:
1. Weight Loss Happens! Toxins are stored in fat cells. When toxins are eliminated so are fat cells.
2. Beautiful Skin is healthy skin. Toxins in the body can destroy our skin with pimples, etc.
3. Digestion Works! A clogged digestive system stops doing its job efficiently.
4. More Energy! As toxic waste leaves the body there is increased energy.
5. Breathing is easier because your respiratory system becomes free and unclogged.
6. Helps prevent disease. Dr. Elson Haas states “By regularly purging the body of unhealthy toxins and waste, you can assist the body’s natural defenses and help to prevent disease before it starts.”
7. Your brain is clearer. You will start to see improved concentration and mental focus–the results of a cleaner system!
8. Your Joints are more flexible.
9. A feeling of rejuvenation as the body is renewed.
10. Being filled with motivation and creativity as you feel lighter and freer.

What we need is a detox program designed to fit into our life. Too often, people go to Cleansing Retreats or on a detox diet at home and end up returning to their old, unhealthy eating and drinking habits and lifestyles. That does not work!
I recommend doing a gentle springtime liver cleanse which is easy on the body and you can still continue with your life.

8 Simple things you can do to cleanse your body in two days:

1. Drink more water: start your day with 2 – 3 cups of water every morning.
2. Eat fresh fruits daily: eat a breakfast of fresh juicy fruits (not sweet ones like bananas).
3. Eat lots of vegetables and their juices: for lunch have a big salad and for a snack have fresh vegetable juice.
4. Leave out all cooked food. That means no grains, starches or proteins for these two days.
5. Soak toxins away in a bath: have an epsom salt bath nightly.
6. Exercise creates sweating: walk up a lot of stairs or hills.
7. Breathe fully and deeply: this is something to always do.
8. Sleep deeply.

    Many of these points you can incorporate into your everyday routine.  Also to help cleanse: No overeating and No junk food.
There you go!!  A very simple way to do a spring cleanse, at any time of the year!

CHECK this out!

This website has put together a Gentle Spring/Liver Cleanse Training.
This offers an online supportive structure for people who know they should be doing something for their health but need the some extra knowledge, inspiration, focus, and perhaps hand-holding.